

Šeit jūs varat droši tirgoties ar jūsu priekšmetiem pret zelta monētām (Zen) vai spēļu bonusiem (Bonuses), jo pirms kāda priekšmeta iegādāšanas jūs varat izlasīt tā pilnu aprakstu, tāpēc esat apdrošināti no krāpniecības. Visas pārdošanas tirgū tiek apliktas ar 15% komisijas procentu.

Exc. Iris Boots -L1ceSs- 200 Bon 16.12.2024 04:00
Exc. Arrow Viper Bow +12 Daemon 100 Bon 16.12.2024 12:00
Exc. Red Spirit Gloves Kenz 201 Bon 16.12.2024 17:00
Exc. Dragon Armor +13 BKBK 1000 Bon 16.12.2024 18:00
Exc. Dragon Gloves +15 MGxMaster 300 Bon 16.12.2024 19:00

Atrastie priekšmeti: 5186
Wings Jewel of Bless x10 7 Bon
Maces Exc. Wit of the King +11 920 Bon
Gloves Exc. Dark Soul Gloves 12 Bon
Gloves Exc. Dark Steel Gloves +13 138 Bon
Shields Exc. Elemental Shield +12 115 Bon
Gloves Seir Adamantine Gloves 80.5 kk Zen
Armors Exc. Pad Armor 28.75 kk Zen
Helms Exc. Pad Helm 28.75 kk Zen
Other Box of Kundun +4 115 kk Zen
Other Gemstone 5 Bon
Boots Exc. Thunder Hawk Boots +11 805 Bon
Gloves Exc. Thunder Hawk Gloves +13 805 Bon
Pants Exc. Thunder Hawk Pants +11 805 Bon
Armors Exc. Thunder Hawk Armor +11 805 Bon
Helms Exc. Dragon Helm 6 Bon
Pants Warrior Leather Pants 5 Bon
Pants Warrior Leather Pants 5 Bon
Pants Exc. Bone Pants +11 35 Bon
Wings Shard of Condor 115 Bon
Wings Shard of Condor 115 Bon
Pants Exc. Dark Phoenix Pants 575 Bon
Armors Exc. Red Spirit Armor 12 Bon
Shields Exc. Shield of Betrayal 23 Bon
Helms Exc. Paewang Helm 23 Bon
Wings Higher Refining Stone x10 230 kk Zen
Items Exc. Pendant of Lightning 230 Bon
Other 400 kk Zen 17 Bon
Boots Exc. Dragon Boots +11 288 Bon
Armors Exc. Iris Armor 115 kk Zen
Other Jewel of Luck 115 Bon
Bows Exc. Albatross Bow +12 138 Bon
Staffs Exc. Grand Soul Staff +12 100 Bon
Armors Exc. Eclipse Armor 92 Bon
Pants Exc. Storm Crow Pants 57.5 kk Zen
Gloves Exc. Ashcrow Gloves 57.5 kk Zen
Shields Exc. Dragon Shield 172.5 kk Zen
Shields Exc. Elemental Shield 8 Bon
Helms Golden Glorious Helm 115 Bon
Shields Exc. Ambition Shield 23 Bon
Wings Shard of Condor 115 Bon
Shields Exc. Phantom Shield 5 Bon
Helms Exc. Dark Soul Helm 29 Bon
Bows Exc. Chaos Nature Bow 9 Bon
Gloves Exc. Great Dragon Gloves 26 Bon
Armors Exc. Iris Armor 6 Bon
Swords Exc. Rune Blade +7 10 Bon
Shields Exc. Ambition Shield +13 8,050 Bon
Swords Exc. Refined Blade +11 58 Bon
Armors Exc. Volcano Armor 81 Bon
Other Elixir of Mana 224.25 kk Zen

Master Bali Mega Vegas Extreme