

Here you can safely trade your items in exchange for gold coins (Zen) or game bonuses (Bonuses), so before buying a certain item you get a reliable description, so you are insured against fraud. All sales in the market are subject to 15% fees.

Exc. Mithril Shiv +13 Test 132 Bon 23.12.2024 23:00
Exc. Bone Blade +12 Test 1001 Bon 23.12.2024 23:00
Exc. Azure Staff +12 Test 155 Bon 23.12.2024 23:00
Exc. Royal Scepter +7 ZenPlease 99 Bon 24.12.2024 17:00
Exc. Dark Master Boots +11 LasVegaS 3000 Bon 24.12.2024 18:00

Found items: 5040
Items Invitation to Santa Village 5 Bon
Items Invitation to Santa Village 5 Bon
Items Invitation to Santa Village 5 Bon
Gloves Exc. Sphinx Gloves +11 69 Bon
Items Exc. Pendant of Ability 132 Bon
Maces Exc. Chaos Dragon Axe +11 132 Bon
Staffs Exc. Chaos Lighting Staff +13 230 Bon
Pants Warrior Leather Pants +7 12 Bon
Swords Exc. Explosion Blade 9 Bon
Shields Exc. Spectral Barrier 17 Bon
Armors Exc. Divine Armor 104 Bon
Wings Jewel of Creation x10 23 Bon
Wings Higher Refining Stone x10 23 Bon
Wings Higher Refining Stone x10 23 Bon
Wings Jewel of Chaos x10 23 Bon
Helms Exc. Silk Helm 23 Bon
Armors Exc. Silk Armor 23 Bon
Gloves Exc. Silk Gloves 23 Bon
Pants Exc. Silk Pants 23 Bon
Boots Exc. Silk Boots 23 Bon
Maces Exc. Scepter of Atlantis +13 2,990 Bon
Items Exc. Ring of Magic 92 Bon
Wings Blue Ribbon Box 40 Bon
Wings Shard of Condor 81 Bon
Shields Exc. Golden Shield +15 498 Bon
Wings Shard of Condor 86 Bon
Other Scroll of Defense 8 Bon
Wings Shard of Condor 86 Bon
Other Pink Chocolate Box 207 Bon
Wings Gemstone x30 84 Bon
Pants Exc. Dragon Pants 12 Bon
Wings Blue Ribbon Box 58 Bon
Wings Green Ribbon Box 29 Bon
Other Pink Mistery Box 12 Bon
Boots Sheol Bone Boots 230 kk Zen
Gloves Exc. Light Plate Gloves 402.5 kk Zen
Bows Exc. Great Reign Crossbow 172.5 kk Zen
Shields Exc. Salamander Shield +12 219 Bon
Swords Exc. Hero's Greatsword +12 242 Bon
Other Box of Kundun +5 10 Bon
Other Box of Kundun +5 10 Bon
Armors Exc. Plate Armor 20 Bon
Other 100 kk Zen 6 Bon
Boots Exc. Divine Boots 6 Bon
Pants Exc. Red Spirit Pants +11 53 Bon
Helms Exc. Spirit Helm 23 Bon
Gloves Exc. Divine Gloves 46 Bon
Gloves Exc. Valiant Gloves 10 Bon
Armors Exc. Iris Armor 35 Bon
Items Flame of Condor 3,450 Bon

Master Bali Mega Vegas Extreme